
Pentia awarded five Sitecore MVP titles for a third year running

With five Sitecore Most Valuable Professional titles, Pentia claims the Sitecore crown in Scandinavia once again.
Mvp 2020 2859
Pentia's five Sitecore MVPs. From the left Alan Coates, Brian Pedersen, Christian Hauge Engel, Thomas Eldblom and Thomas Stern.

For the past 20 years, Pentia has been recognised as one of the strongest Sitecore partners in Scandinavia and with Pentia being awarded five Sitecore Most Valuable Professional titles for a third year running in 2020 that position seems untouchable. 

The five titles cover 3 MVPs in the Technology category, 1 MVP in the Strategy category and 1 MVP in the Ambassador category.

Pentia's CTO, Thomas Eldblom, a MVP himself in the Ambassador category, knows exactly why the five titles are so important.  

"The synergy and knowledge emerging from having five MVPs under the same roof are highly beneficial to our customers. We're able to counsel them on the latest development and we know how to cut corners toward the most intelligent and profitable solution. Moreover, as MVPs we help shape Sitecore, which we do largely on the basis of customer input"

Most titles in Scandinavia

With five Sitecore MVP titles, Pentia has taken the lead in Scandinavia when it comes to Sitecore. 

Pentia holds more than 40 % of the titles in Denmark and is also the only company with a female MVP profile. In Scandinavia, Pentia holds 5 out of 15 titles.

See the full list of Sitecore MVPs here.

Sitecore MVP Logo 2020

Contact us if you want to know more about Sitecore

Andreas Rask Lundsgaard

Business Development Director
+45 5360 0083

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